Industrial Revolution Impacts Cause & Effect
Find the cause and effect events in the text explaining the impacts of the Industrial Revolution.
First Fleet Reading Cloze
A cloze worksheet about the First Fleet. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.
Fact & Opinion Sort: First Fleet
Is it a fact or is it an opinion? Cut and paste to sort the fact from the opinion in this First Fleet themed worksheet.
Why Were Convicts Sent to Australia? Reading Cloze
A cloze worksheet about the why convicts were sent to Australia. Fill in the missing words to complete the text.
Mapping the Voyage: Trace
A map showing the stops the First Fleet made. Trace the route and label the stops.
Industrial Revolution Cause & Effect Chain
Read about the Industrial Revolution and find cause and effect events to complete the cause and effect chain.
Beginning of Gold Rushes in Australia Reading (1)
(Middle Years) A reading passage for the middle years about the beginning of the gold rushes in Australia.
Life in England Cause & Effect Task: Write
Order the events in the cause and effect chain that caused the First Fleet to set sail.
Convict Punishments Reading Sheet
A reading sheet about convict punishment in Australia’s colonial period.