Convert Between ml & L (3)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
Pizza Eating Monsters
Colour to show the fraction of pizza each monster ate and record what is left.
Write Digital Times, 1-Min Intervals (2)
Write the times on the digital clocks to match the times shown on the analogue clocks.
Adding Time, 1-Min Intervals
Read the start times. Add on the elapsed times and write the end times in analogue and digital (times to 1-minute intervals).
Symmetrical Drawing: Monster (2)
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Capacity: Labelled 100mL Increments (1)
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Representing 5-Digit Numbers (4)
Represent the 5-digit numbers in different ways.
Problem Solving Operation Words Poster
A poster showing key words and phrase that mean addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Multiplication Colour by Number: Christmas Tree
Solve the multiplication sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Part Part Whole: Missing Whole (1)
The whole is missing in each part part whole model. Find them and write out the fact families.
5s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 5s counting pattern.
Fact Families: Missing Factor & Product Mix (1)
Work out the missing product factor in each fact family triangle and then write then matching equations.