Sequences with Decimals
Work with decimal number patterns to follow and identify pattern rules.
Teen Number Match Up Activity (Self-Checking)
Match different representations of the teen numbers. Cards are self-checking. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Lake City Directions (N,E,S,W)
Use cardinal directions (north, east, south, west) to describe the direction of places on a map.
Write Fraction Symbols & Words (1)
Name (symbols and words) the fractions shown by fraction models.
Match Everyday Objects to 2D Shapes (1)
Cut and paste each object under the matching 2D shape.
Pizzas in Unlike Fractions
Cut and paste to add the unlike fractions and make the pizzas. No guidelines.
Colour the Longest
Colour the longest object in each set.
Spin & Spend, to 50c
Spin the spinners to see what the food orders will be. Add the amounts to find the totals. Prices in increments of 50 cents.
Time Attack Game, 5 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read times to five-minute intervals on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Symmetrical Drawing: Star
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Convert Between ml & L (3)
Record the volume of water in each container in millilitres and litres.
2-Digit Numbers in Words, Digits & MABs
Represent the 2-digit numbers in words, digits and MAB blocks.