
Browse our collection of addition and subtraction strategy worksheets. These resources to help teach subtraction and addition strategies such as rainbow facts, doubles, count on/count back and bridge to 10. Students need a range of strategies to work efficiently with numbers. Mental computation strategies are an important building block in mathematics.

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Rainbow Facts Game

A game in which players use their knowledge of rainbow facts to place 4 counters in a row. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.


Double It Game

A game in which players use their knowledge of doubles to place 4 counters in a row. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.


100 Board Segments (2)

Use knowledge of a hundred board to fill in the shaded segments of different hundred boards.


100 Board Segments (1)

Use knowledge of a hundred board to fill in the shaded segments of different hundred boards.


Moving Around a 100 Board (2)

Use knowledge of a hundred board to fill in the shaded boxes.


Moving Around a 100 Board (1)

Use knowledge of a hundred board to fill in the shaded boxes.


Rainbow Facts with Ten Frames: Subtraction

Use ten frames to help work the subtraction from 10 sums.


Rainbow Facts with Ten Frames: Addition

Use ten frames to work out the missing numbers to add to 10.


Rainbow Facts Poster (2)

A poster showing the rainbow facts.


Rainbow Facts Poster (1)

A poster showing a ‘rainbow facts’ rainbow.


Write the Rainbow Facts: Blank

Fill in the rainbow fact rainbow and then use it to write down all of the rainbow facts.


Write the Rainbow Facts

Use the rainbow fact rainbow to write down all of the rainbow facts and answer the questions.


Vertical Rainbow Facts: Subtraction

A set of rainbow fact and near rainbow fact subtraction sums in a vertical format.


Vertical Rainbow Facts: Addition & Subtraction

A set of rainbow fact and near rainbow fact addition and subtraction sums in a vertical format.


Vertical Rainbow Facts: Addition

A set of rainbow fact and near rainbow fact addition sums in a vertical format.

Rainbow Facts Worksheet

Use rainbow facts to solve the sums.