Time Attack Game: O’clock & Half Past
A game in which players read o’clock and half past times on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Attack Game, 15 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read o’clock, half past quarter past and quarter to times on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Attack Game, 5 Minute Intervals
A game in which players read times to five-minute intervals on analogue and digital clocks. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Match Cards: O’clock
Match the different representations of o’clock times. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Match Cards: O’clock & Half Past
Match the different representations of o’clock and half past times. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Match Cards, 15 Minute Intervals
Match the different representations of quarter past and quarter to times. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Time Match Cards, 5 Minute Intervals
Match the different representations of times to five-minute intervals. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Clock Face (Black & White)
A display of a clock face showing minutes.
Representing Time: Analogue, Digital & Words
Choose times to represent in analogue, digital and word form.
Match Up Times, Half Past
Draw lines to connect the matching times (half past times).
Draw Analogue Times, O’clock & Half Past (2)
Draw hands on the analogue clocks to match the digital times (o’clock and half past times).
Draw Analogue Times, O’clock & Half Past (1)
Draw hands on the analogue clocks to match the digital times (o’clock and half past times).
Write Digital & Analogue, O’clock & Half Past
Write the times on the digital and analogue clocks to match the times shown in words (o’clock and half past times).
Time Match, O’clock & Half Past
Cut and paste the matching times (o’clock and half past times).