Representing Times, Half Past (2)
Read the times in words and represent them in analogue and digital forms (half past times).
Division Colour by Number: Dragon
Solve the division sums to find the colours to complete the picture.
Circle Coins to Pay for Items, Aust. (3)
Circle the exact coins to pay for each item.
120 Board Colour Display
A colourful board showing the numbers 1 to 120.
3-Digit Word Problems: Addition (3)
A set of 3-digit addition word problems.
Sports Store: Apply Discounts (10/25/50%)
Calculate and apply the discounts to work out the new prices of items in a sports store.
Build Your Own Town, Cardinal Directions
Build your own town and then use the cardinal directions to answer the questions.
Interpret Data: School
Read and interpret the data from the bar graph to answer the questions.
Sequences with Decimals
Work with decimal number patterns to follow and identify pattern rules.
Cardinal Points Compass Display
A display of a compass showing the cardinal directions (north, south, east, west).
Advanced Number Patterns (2)
Work out how each pattern is growing, and then complete the sequences.
Identifying Odd & Even
Work out whether the numbers are odd or even.