Convert Fractions to Decimals: Hundredths
Convert the fractions to decimals.
Match Up Times, Quarter Past/To
Draw lines to connect the matching times (quarter past and quarter to times).
Number Match Tiles 5-9
Match different representations of the numbers 5,6,7,8 and 9. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Counting On with Dice
Use the ‘count on’ strategy to solve the addition sums.
Symmetrical Drawing: Pig
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
Follow Directions to Build a Town: Grid Coordinates
Follow the instructions and use the grid coordinates to build a town.
Football Times Tables Set: Division
A set of worksheets focused on division.
Vertical Doubles Facts
A set of doubles sums in a vertical format.
Multiplication Focus Set
A set of 9 worksheets. Each worksheet focuses on a different times table.
Comparing Capacity
Circle the object in each pair that has the greatest capacity.
2s Grid Maze
Find the secret path from start to finish by following the 2s counting pattern.
Choose Units of Measure, Length (2)
Choose the most appropriate unit to measure the length of each object (middle and upper years).