Maths /Fractions & Decimals /Decimals

Browse our collection of fractions and decimals worksheets. These resources aim to help students understand the connection between fractions and decimals. Teach students to represent decimals using models, partition decimals into tenths, hundredths and thousandths, convert fractions to decimals and more. Watch our Linking Fractions & Decimals Video.

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Decimal Patterns

Identify, continue and follow pattern rules involving decimal numbers.

Sequences with Decimals

Work with decimal number patterns to follow and identify pattern rules.

Place Decimals on Number Lines, Hundredths

Show the positions of the decimals (hundredths) on different number lines.

Place Decimals on Number Lines, Tenths

Show the positions of the decimals (tenths) on different number lines.

Decimals and Number Lines, Hundredths

Position and identify decimal numbers (hundredths) on number lines.

Decimals and Number Lines, Tenths

Position and identify decimal numbers (tenths) on number lines.

Multiply & Divide Decimals by Powers of 10

Practice multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.

Ordering Decimal Numbers (Tenths)

Arrange decimal numbers (tenths) in ascending and descending orders.

Ordering Decimal Numbers (Hundredths)

Arrange decimal numbers (hundredths) in ascending and descending orders.

Ordering Decimal Numbers (Thousandths)

Arrange decimal numbers (thousandths) in ascending and descending orders.

Decimal Word Problems: Multiply, Tenths (2)

Word problems involving the multiplication of decimals (to tenths).

Decimal Word Problems: Multiply, Tenths (1)

Word problems involving the multiplication of decimals (to tenths).