
Represent Proper Fractions (1)



This worksheet helps students represent proper fractions in multiple ways, including fraction bars, number lines, and word form. Designed for year 2 and year 3 students.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand and identify proper fractions.
  • Represent fractions using visual models such as circles and fraction bars.
  • Locate fractions on a number line.
  • Express fractions in words.

How the Activity Works:

Students are given a selection of proper fractions, including one-quarter, one-third, one-half, and one-eighth. They represent each fraction in four different ways: by shading sections of a circle, writing the fraction in words, dividing and shading a fraction bar, and placing the fraction on a number line. This activity reinforces the concept of fractions by providing multiple visual and written representations, supporting a deeper understanding of fractional parts.

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