Abacus 4-Digit Numbers (2)
Represent 4-digit numbers using abacus models.
Symmetrical Drawing: Tree
Use the grid to help complete the picture.
City Map 1
A simple map to support the teaching of mapping, location and directional language.
Place Value Sort: Hundreds
Sort the 3-digit numbers according to the number of hundreds.
Pizzas in Unlike Fractions
Cut and paste to add the unlike fractions and make the pizzas. No guidelines.
Introducing Fact Families (2)
This worksheet uses fact families to help introduce the link between multiplication and division.
Combining 2D Shapes
Create composite shapes by combining the shapes within each set.
Blank Fraction Wall: Style 1
A blank fraction wall with separate bars.
Area & Perimeter Problems: Challenge (4)
A set of more difficult word problems involving area and perimeter.
Fact Family Circles, Blank, Set 8
A set of blank fact family triangles.
Making Odd & Even Numbers (1)
Make even and odd numbers using the digits provided.
Place Decimals on Number Lines, Hundredths
Show the positions of the decimals (hundredths) on different number lines.