Circle the Blends fr- gr -pr
Circle the blends that match the pictures.
5 Senses Writing Prompt: Ice Cream
This worksheet scaffolds the reader in producing a descriptive writing passage about an ice cream.
Sentence Writing Prompts Set (2)
Middle years sentence writing prompts. Includes 45 writing cards.
Word Wheel: oi Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
-ck Word Wheel (2)
A word wheel. Spin and make -ck words. Print on card or laminate for best results.
Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives Race Game
Use knowledge of nouns, verbs and adjectives to race to the end in this simple board game. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like Graphic Organiser
An organiser to help identify imagery within a text or to plan writing.
Homophones & Homographs Word Search
A fun way to reinforce the concept of homophones and homographs. Find the given words in the letter jumble.
Looks Like, Sounds Like, Feels Like Graphic Organiser
An organiser to help identify imagery within a text or to plan writing.
Using Conjunctions Card Set
Use conjunctions to turn simple sentences into compound sentences. Laminate for a longer lasting resource.
Forming Questions (1)
A worksheet for students to practice turning statements into questions.