Word Wheel: -ale Words
A spinning word wheel. Print on card and/or laminate for best results.
Tension Building Match Up
Identify different tension building technique examples.
Nouns, Verbs & Adjectives Puzzle: Animals
Match each word to its part of speech to complete the hexagon puzzle. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Meanings of Similes & Metaphors (1)
Work out the meaning of each simile and metaphor.
Narrative Writing Prompts: Set 3
A set of 4 narrative writing prompt cards.
Find the Nouns & Verbs
Identify the subject noun and the verb from each sentence.
Alphabet Worksheet: Letter T
This worksheet focuses on the letter T. Trace, write, find words and draw.
Using Pathos, Logos & Ethos (2)
This worksheet guides learners to advertise products/services using pathos, logos and ethos.
Using Conjunctions Card Set
Use conjunctions to turn simple sentences into compound sentences. Laminate for a longer lasting resource.
Comma or Full Stop? (2)
Colour the correct bubbles to show whether full stops or commas are needed. A NAPLAN style worksheet.
Self-Questioning Chart
A self-questioning template to support learners developing questions to ask themselves about texts they read.