3s Counting Pattern Cards
Arrange the set of cards in the order of the 3s counting pattern. Self-checking images included. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Identifying Seasonal Differences
What is special about each season? Draw or write.
Warehouse: Calculate 25%
Calculate the 25% of the prices and work out the new price of items.
2-Digit Problems: Addition & Subtraction (4)
A set of 2-digit addition and subtraction word problems.
Capacity: Labelled 1000mL Increments
Read the scale and record the capacity of each container.
Reading a Pictograph: Rewards Day
Use the data from the pictograph to answer the questions.
Write Digital & Analogue, Quarter Past/To
Write the times on the digital and analogue clocks to match the times shown in words (quarter past and quarter to times).
Count, Add & Write an Equation
Count and add the objects and then write the equation below.
Writing 2-Digit Numbers
Write the 2-digit numbers represented by MAB blocks.
Clock Face (Black & White)
A display of a clock face showing minutes.
Interpret Data: Books (1)
Read and interpret the data from the pictograph to answer the questions (early and middle years)
2D Shape Animal Challenge
A 2D shapes challenge