Converting Between Minutes & Seconds
Solve the set of questions by converting between minutes and seconds.
2s Counting Patterns
Complete the 2s number sequences.
Toy Shop Prices, Dollars & Cents
Add amounts to help the shoppers work out how much they need to pay. Prices in dollars and cents.
Area & Perimeter Problems (3)
A set of word problems involving area and perimeter.
Describing Location, Cardinal Directions
Label the compass and describe the location of objects using the terms north, south, east and west.
Place Value Sort: Tens
Sort the 2-digit numbers according to the number of tens.
Part Part Whole: Missing Whole (2)
The whole is missing in each part part whole model. Find them and write out the fact families.
2D Shapes Word Search
A word search to review 2D shapes and their properties.
Area Word Problems (2)
A set of word problems involving area.
Different Views of 3D Objects (1)
Draw the front, side and top view of each 3D object.
Properties of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up 3D shapes with their names and features.
Balancing Scales
Show what weights would balance each of the scales and then finish the equations.