Adding Time, 15-Min Intervals
Read the start times. Add on the elapsed times and write the end times in analogue and digital (times to 15-minute intervals).
Reading a Pie Chart: Transport
Use the data from the pie chart to answer the questions.
Properties of 3D Shapes Sort
Cut and paste to match up 3D shapes with their names and features.
Calculate Perimeter: Formula
Calculate the perimeter of regular shapes by applying the formula Length x Width.
1-Digit Word Problems: Addition (2)
A set of 1-digit addition word problems.
Find Improper Fractions on Number Lines
Fill in the missing improper fractions on the number lines.
Order by Length
Order the objects from shortest to tallest.
Recording Below Zero Temperatures (2)
Record the given temperatures (including below zero temperatures) on the thermometers.
Days of the Week Poster Set 2
A set of colourful displays showing the days of the week.
Division Race Set (÷2 to ÷10)
A set of worksheets. Race to complete the division sums.
Reading Thermometers Below Zero (2)
Read the temperatures shown on the thermometers (including temperatures below zero).
x4 Tables Fact Families
Complete the fact family triangles and write the matching equations.