English /Grammar & Language /Sentence Types & Structures
Browse our collection of sentence types worksheets aimed at helping learners interpret and form a variety of sentences. These resources cover different sentence structures (simple sentences, compound sentences and complex sentences) as well as the four types of sentences (statements, questions, commands and exclamations). Watch our Simple, Compound, Complex Video.
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Coordinating Conjunctions (2)
This worksheet helps introduce coordinating conjunctions. Fill in the missing coordinating conjunctions to complete the sentences.
Coordinating Conjunctions (1)
This worksheet helps introduce coordinating conjunctions. Fill in the missing coordinating conjunctions to complete the sentences.
Conjunctions: Joining Simple Sentences
Join each simple sentence pair with an appropriate conjunction.
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Editing Task Cards Set A
A set of 9 editing task cards. Errors include full stops, capital letters & spelling. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Editing Task Cards: Set C
A set of 9 editing task cards. Errors include full stops, capital letters, commas, speech marks, apostrophes & spelling. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Persuasive Devices Poster Set
A poster set explaining 7 different persuasive devices, such as alliteration, emotive language & exaggeration.
Editing Task Cards: Set B
A set of 9 editing task cards. Errors include full stops, capital letters, question marks & spelling. Laminate for a long-lasting resource.
Varying Sentence Length: Use Long Sentences
Short sentences have been overused. Rewrite, using long sentences to help express a slower, more relaxed feeling.