Calculate Perimeter from House Plan
<p>Use the floorplan to calculate the perimeter of different rooms.</p>
Partitioning Capacity (2)
<p>Partition the capacity of the large containers to calculate the capacity of the smaller containers.</p>
Choose Units of Measure, Capacity
<p>Identify appropriate units of measure and estimate capacity.</p>
House Plan Area: Count (Harder)
<p>Use the house plan to answer questions about area. Some grid lines are included to encourage use of the formula Length x Width.</p>
Read Analogue Scales: Mix of Scales (2)
<p>Read each of the analogue scales and record the weight shown (kilograms and grams).</p>
Reading Scales: Weigh Station (2)
<p>Read the set of scales and answer the questions.</p>
Length Word Problems (3)
<p>A set of word problems involving length and measurement.</p>
House Plan Area: Count
<p>Read the house plan. Answer questions about area by counting the grid squares.</p>